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NASA Selects Commercial Service Studies to Enable

Nine companies have been selected to conduct early-stage studies of concepts for commercial services

Bacteria has mutated on the International Space St

Five strains of the bacteria were initally found on the International Space Station in 2018, with fu

NASA Mars Imagery Captures Auroras Covering Planet

The light shows can be seen across the entirety of Mars, due to our neighboring planet's lack of mag

A religious test for space exploration? - SpaceNew

Celestis chairman Charles Chafer argues that as we move off planet Earth, we will take funeral ritua

Mystery behind huge opening in Antarctic sea ice s

Researchers have discovered the missing piece of the puzzle behind a rare opening in the sea ice aro

New explanation offers whereabouts of Planet Nine

Scientists have found further evidence to corroborate their claim of an extra planet in the outskirt

New work reveals the 'quantumness' of gravity - Ph

Gravity is part of our everyday life. Still, the gravitational force remains mysterious: to this day

Researchers build new device that is a foundation

Scientists led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst have adapted a device called a microwave c

Scientists say they’ve traced the origins of a pot

Rare near-Earth asteroid Kamo’oalewa may have been created several million years ago when something

Amanda Randles won the ACM's $250,000 Prize in Com

Duke University professor Amanda Randles won for her work with supercomputers and algorithms, creati

New Research Learns Evolution of Flowering Plants

New research based on genome data for 9,506 species and 200 fossils, provides the deepest understand

WhatsApp now lets users plan and schedule events i

WhatsApp is introducing a new way for people to organize events in WhatsApp Communities, the company

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