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Scientists observe reduced emotional distress in c

A study found that young children living near dense greenery exhibited fewer symptoms of anxiety and

Mammograms should start at 40 to address rising br

Regular mammograms to screen for breast cancer should start younger — at age 40. The U.S. Preventive

Popular fruit may help lower diabetes risk for wom

“They have good unsaturated fats, a good source of fiber, and a multitude of vitamins, minerals, and

Hundreds of thousands of mosquitos to be unleashed

Hundreds of thousands of mosquitos are set to be released in Los Angeles' Sunland-Tujunga community

More than half of cats died after drinking raw mil

Cat deaths and neurological disease are "widely reported" around farms where the H5N1 bird flu virus

Two Pathways to Parkinson's Could Point to a Singl

Different models on the development of Parkinson's disease might represent a disease largely trigger

Scientists work to make healthier white bread - BB

The research aimed at lovers of white bread has been funded by the government to improve the health

Common mental health problem can shorten cancer su

Cancer survivors who feel lonely tend to have a greater risk of dying, according to research from th

Ministers accept three-month deadline for infected

A final compensation scheme could be running by the year's end after ministers agree to a Labour-led

Anger can harm your blood vessel function, study s

Stress and anger can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health, studies have shown. New resear

Bitcoin Tumbles Below $60K, Risking Deeper Pullbac

Recent U.S. economic data could prompt more hawkish forward guidance from the Federal Reserve.

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